Icon attach Upper ACOG 01
Items that modify your weapons in various ways.

Attachments are weapon augmentations in BATTLEGROUNDS.


Attachments alter the performance of your weapons in numerous ways, such as making it easier to engage targets at longer ranges, or expanding ammo capacity, or improving recoil control and weapon stability.

Update history

Update #35 (Season 5 - Update 5.2) - vN/A
  • Added an auto attachment feature.
    • A new feature has been added that automatically equips your weapon with the attachments you pick up.
    • You can choose from 3 types of auto attachment options. You can activate/deactivate each of them from the 'Settings - Gameplay' tab.
      • Auto equip when you pick up an attachment with F key.
      • When you pick up an attachment by pressing the interaction key (F), the attachment is automatically equipped to your weapon.
    • Auto attach when you switch to new weapon
      • When you switch your weapon with a new weapon on the ground, all the attachments equipped to the old weapon will automatically move to the new one.
      • Only attachments compatible with the new weapon will be attached and the rest will go into your inventory.
    • Auto equip when you pick up attachments with the inventory open
      • When you get an attachment while the inventory is open, the attachment will automatically be equipped to your weapon.
      • When you get an attachment for a slot that is already being used, the attachment will go into your inventory.

Update #27

  • Attachments Balance Modification
    • SMG and Pistol attachments have been combined and can now be used on both weapon types.
    • Bullets Loops for Shotguns, Win94 and Kar98k have been combined into one item called Ammo Loops.
    • Holo Sights can now attach to pistols.
      • When equipped to Pistols, the size of the sight will be reduced to fit more appropriately.

Update #12 - v3.8.21.9

  • Weapons/Other Guns
    • Restricted big scopes (8x and up) for use with all ARs.
  • Other Item Balance
    • Both SR quickdraw magazines and SR extended quickdraw magazines now spawn only in care packages.
    • We’ve reduced the spawn rate for AR extended quickdraw magazines.
    • DMRs now use AR attachments (magazines, compensators, etc) along with SR attachments.
  • New Attachments
    • Duckbill - A new attachment for shotguns (S1897, S12K). It reduces the vertical pellet spread but increases horizontal bullet spread.
      • Attachable to S1897, S12K
    • Light Grip - It reduces recoil recovery time but increases vertical and horizontal recoil.
      • Attachable to ARs, SMGs, DMRs (UMP9, AUG, M416, SCAR-L, SKS)
    • Thumb Grip - It reduces vertical recoil but increases horizontal recoil. It also increases the recoil recovery time.
      • Attachable to - ARs, SMGs, DMRs (UMP9, AUG, M416, SCAR-L, SKS)
    • Half Grip - It reduces vertical and horizontal recoil and also reduces recoil recovery time.
      • Attachable to - ARs, SMGs, DMRs (UMP9, Vector, AUG, M416, SCAR-L, SKS)
    • Scope 3x - This scope has fixed 3x magnification with an illuminated reticle. It’s discoverable as a common world-drop item.
    • Scope 6x - This scope has variable 3x – 6x magnification. It’s discoverable as a rare world-drop item.
  • You can now change the reticle style and color on the red-dot, holo-sight and the 2x scope using the scope zeroing keys (Page Up/Page Down by default).


Img Name Attaches To
Icon attach Muzzle Choke Choke (SG) Sawed-off, S1897, S686
Icon attach Muzzle Compensator Large Compensator (AR, DMR, S12K) AKM, M16A4, M416, SCAR-L, S12K, SLR, SKS, Mini 14, Mk14 EBR, QBZ95, QBU, Beryl M762, Mk47, G36C, ACE32
Icon attach Muzzle Compensator SniperRifle Compensator (DMR, SR) M24, AWM, SKS, Kar98k, Mk14 EBR, Mini 14, SLR, QBU
Icon attach Muzzle Compensator Medium Compensator (SMG) Micro UZI, PP-19 Bizon, UMP9, Vector
Icon attach Duckbill Duckbill (SG) S1897, S12K
Icon attach Muzzle FlashHider Large Flash Hider (AR, DMR, S12K) AKM, M16A4, M416, SCAR-L S12K, SLR, SKS, Mini 14, Mk14 EBR, QBZ95, QBU, Beryl M762, G36C, ACE32
Icon attach Muzzle FlashHider SniperRifle Flash Hider (DMR, SR) M24, AWM, SKS, Kar98k, Mk14 EBR, Mini 14, SLR, QBU
Icon attach Muzzle FlashHider Medium Flash Hider (SMG) Micro UZI, PP-19 Bizon, UMP9, Vector
Icon attach Muzzle Suppressor Large Suppressor (AR, DMR, S12K) AKM, M16A4, M416, SCAR-L, S12K, Groza, AUG A3, SLR, SKS, Mini 14, Mk14 EBR, QBZ95, QBU, Beryl M762, Mk47, G36C, ACE32
Icon attach Muzzle Suppressor SniperRifle Suppressor (DMR, SR) M24, AWM, SKS, Kar98k, Mk14 EBR‎, Mini 14, SLR, QBU
Icon attach Muzzle Suppressor Medium Suppressor (Handgun, SMG) MP5K, Micro UZI, P18C, P1911, P92, PP-19 Bizon, R1895, Skorpion, Tommy Gun, UMP45, Vector

Lower Rail

Img Name Attaches To
Icon attach Lower AngledForeGrip Angled Foregrip (AR, SMG, DMR) M416, SCAR-L, UMP9, SKS, AUG A3, Beryl M762‎‎, Mk47, G36C, MP5K, ACE32
Icon attach Half Grip Half Grip M416, SCAR-L, UMP9, Vector, SKS, AUG A3, KRISS Vector, QBZ95, Mk47, Skorpion, MP5K, Beryl M762, ACE32
Icon attach Lower LaserPointer Laser Sight P18C, P1911, P92, R45, UMP9, Vector, AUG A3, Beryl M762, M416, Mk47 Mutant, QBZ, SCAR-L, SKS, Skorpion, G36C, MP5K, Deagle‎, ACE32
Icon attach Light Grip Light Grip M416, SCAR-L, UMP9, SKS, AUG A3, KRISS Vector, QBZ95, Beryl M762, Mk47, Skorpion, G36C, MP5K, ACE32
Quiver for Crossbow Quiver for Crossbow Crossbow
Icon attach Thumb Grip Thumb Grip M416, SCAR-L, UMP9, SKS, AUG A3, QBZ95, Mk47, MP5K, ACE32
Icon attach Lower Foregrip Vertical Foregrip M416, SCAR-L, UMP9, KRISS Vector, Tommy Gun, Skorpion, AUG A3, QBZ95, Mk47, SKS, G36C, MP5K, Beryl M762, ACE32

Upper Rail

Img Name Attaches To
Icon attach Upper PM2 01 15x PM II Scope SKS, Kar98k, M24, AWM, Mk14 EBR‎, Mini 14, SLR, QBU
Icon attach Upper Aimpoint2X 01 2x Aimpoint Scope UMP9, AKM, M16A4, M416, SCAR-L, SKS, S12K, M249, MG3, Kar98k, M24, AWM, KRISS Vector, OTs-14 Groza, Mk14 EBR‎, Mini 14, DP-28, AUG A3, SLR, QBZ95, QBU, Beryl M762, Mk47, G36C, MP5K, ACE32
Icon attach Upper 3x 3x Backlit Scope UMP9, AKM, M16A4, M416, SCAR-L, SKS, S12K, M249, MG3, Kar98k, M24, AWM, KRISS Vector, OTs-14 Groza, Mk14 EBR‎, Mini 14, DP-28, AUG A3, SLR, QBZ95, QBU, Beryl M762, Mk47, G36C, MP5K, ACE32
Icon attach Upper ACOG 01 4x ACOG Scope UMP9, AKM, M16A4, M416, SCAR-L, SKS, S12K, M249, MG3, Kar98k, M24, AWM, KRISS Vector, Groza, SKS, Mk14 EBR‎, Mini 14, DP-28, AUG A3, SLR, Crossbow, QBZ95, QBU, Beryl M762, Mk47, G36C, MP5K, ACE32
Icon attach Upper 6x 6x Scope Crossbow, UMP45, AKM, M16A4, M416, SCAR-L, SKS, S12K, M249, MG3, Kar98k, M24, AWM, KRISS Vector, OTs-14 Groza, Mk14 EBR‎, Mini 14, DP-28, AUG A3, SLR, QBZ95, QBU, Beryl M762, Mk47, G36C, MP5K, ACE32
Icon attach Upper CQBSS 8x CQBSS Scope SKS, Kar98k, M24, AWM, Mk14 EBR‎, Mini 14, SLR, QBU
Icon attach Upper Canted sight Canted sight Beryl M762, AWM, AUG A3, M416,Mk47 Mutant, QBZ, SCAR-L, G36C, SLR, Mini 14, Mk14 EBR‎, QBU, SKS, AWM, M24, Kar98k, UMP9, KRISS Vector, PP-19 Bizon‎‎, S12K, M249, MP5K, ACE32
Icon attach Upper Holosight Holographic Sight AKM, AUG A3, AWM, Beryl M762, Crossbow, DP-28, G36C, Groza, Kar98k, M16A4, M249, MG3, M24, M416, MP5K, Mini 14, Mk14 EBR, Mk47 Mutant, P18C, P1911, P92, PP-19 Bizon, QBU, QBZ95, R45, S12K, SCAR-L, SKS, SLR, Skorpion, UMP9, Vector, MP5K, Deagle‎, Micro UZI, ACE32
Icon attach Upper DotSight 01 Red Dot Sight UMP45, AKM, M16A4, M416, SCAR-L, S12K, M249, MG3, Kar98k, M24, AWM, SKS, Crossbow, Vector, Groza, P18C, P1911, P92, Mk14 EBR‎, Mini 14, DP-28, AUG A3, R45, SLR, QBZ95, QBU, Beryl M762, Mk47, Skorpion, G36C, MP5K, Deagle‎, Micro UZI, ACE32


Img Name Attaches To
Icon attach Magazine Extended Large Extended Mag (AR, DMR, S12K) AKM, M16A4, M416, SCAR-L, S12K, Groza, AUG A3, SLR, SKS, Mini 14, Mk14 EBR, QBZ95, QBU, Beryl M762, Mk47, G36C, ACE32
Icon attach Magazine Extended SniperRifle Extended Mag (DMR, SR) M24, AWM, SKS, VSS, Mk14 EBR‎, Mini 14‎, SLR, QBU
Icon attach Magazine Extended Medium Extended Mag (Handgun, SMG) MP5K, Micro UZI, P18C, P1911, P92, Skorpion, Tommy Gun, UMP45, Vector, MP5K, Deagle‎
Icon attach Magazine ExtendedQuickDraw Large Extended QuickDraw Mag (AR, DMR, S12K) AKM, M16A4, M416, SCAR-L, S12K, Groza, AUG A3, SLR, SKS, Mini 14, Mk14 EBR, QBZ95, QBU, Beryl M762, Mk47, G36C, ACE32
Icon attach Magazine ExtendedQuickDraw SniperRifle Extended QuickDraw Mag (DMR, SR) M24, AWM, SKS, VSS, Mk14 EBR‎, Mini 14, SLR, QBU
Icon attach Magazine ExtendedQuickDraw Medium Extended QuickDraw Mag (Handgun, SMG) MP5K, Micro UZI, P18C, P1911, P92, Tommy Gun, UMP45, Vector, MP5K, Skorpion
Icon attach Magazine QuickDraw Large QuickDraw Mag (AR, DMR, S12K) AKM, M16A4, M416, SCAR-L, S12K, Groza, AUG A3, SLR, SKS, Mini 14, Mk14 EBR, QBZ95, QBU, Beryl M762, Mk47, G36C, ACE32
Icon attach Magazine QuickDraw SniperRifle QuickDraw Mag (DMR, SR) M24, AWM, SKS, VSS, Mk14 EBR‎, Mini 14‎, SLR, QBU
Icon attach Magazine QuickDraw Medium QuickDraw Mag (Handgun, SMG) MP5K, Micro UZI, P18C, P1911, P92, Tommy Gun, UMP45, Vector, MP5K


Img Name Attaches To
Icon attach Stock SniperRifle BulletLoops Bullet Loops (SG, Win94, Kar98k) S1897, S686, Kar98k, Win94
Icon attach Stock SniperRifle CheekPad Cheek Pad (DMR, SR) M24, AWM, Kar98k, SKS, VSS, Mk14 EBR, SLR
Icon attach Stock UZI Stock for Micro UZI Micro UZI, Skorpion
Icon attach Stock AR Composite Tactical Stock M416, Vector, MP5K, M249, M16A4, Mk47 Mutant, ACE32

