Fantasy Battle Royale
Fantasy Battle Royal

The Fantasy Battle Royale is a limited timed April Fool's event in BATTLEGROUNDS.


April Fools’ Day is a long-celebrated tradition in the gaming world. Whether through silly videos, fake patch notes, or even full blown in-game events, it’s the time of year where teams can go a little crazy and try something completely different— and it doesn’t get much more different for us than Fantasy Battle Royale [1].

Event period

  • Began on 4/1/20
  • Ended on 4/7/20


Fantasy Battle Royale Basic Rules[]

  • Fantasy BR takes place on the Dragon’s Isle (Erangel).
  • TPP only, 20 Squads of 4 (maximum of 80 players per match).
  • Fantasy BR does not support 1 man or 3 man squad but will automatically find suitable companions for you.
  • Friendly fire is disabled (unless we’re talking the mendingstar and heal bomb, which are the friendliest fire of all).
  • Fantasy BR does not grant XP rewards but BP is earned based on your total gameplay time.
  • Fantasy BR matches don’t count towards the Survivor Pass. However, there are separate Fantasy BR exclusive missions.
    • Complete Fantasy BR exclusive missions to earn special Fantasy BR mode rewards.
    • Please refer to the ‘Fantasy Battle Royale Exclusive Systems’ section for more details.

Fantasy Battle Royale Classes[]

Barbarian / Ranger / Wizard / Paladin

Class Selection & Starting Out

  • After matchmaking completes, players will be asked to select a class to play before flying to the Dragon’s Isle.
    • The Class select screen is automatically shown and may be brought back up using the F8 key.
    • There are no class limits, so get creative with your party! (Just remember you’ll be sharing loot if you double, triple, or quadruple up on classes!)
  • First circle will be displayed before you jump.
    • Blue Zone will move faster and deal more damage in Fantasy BR than in normal matches! Be careful!

Fantasy Battle Royale Items[]


  • Fantasy BR has its own set of world spawn items, which mostly include crafting materials.
  • No weapons, ammo, throwables, boosts, or equipment will spawn.
    • Bandages will still spawn in the world.


  • Only the Noble Steed (motorcycle) and Dragon Wagon (UAZ) spawn in Fantasy BR.
  • Vehicles are slower and have lower durability than in normal BR to keep fights more focused on class warfare.

Care Packages

  • Care Packages are dropped more often in Fantasy BR and are be marked on the map for all players.
  • Care Packages can contain the Zircon, a powerful gem used to upgrade your gear to Lv.5.
  • Using the interaction key (F) on Care Packages grants a temporary invincibility buff.
    • The Buff lasts for 30 seconds, making you immune to all damage.

Fantasy Battle Royale Exclusive Systems[]

Character Equipment

In Fantasy Battle Royale, players start the game with a class-specific weapon, necklace, and ring equipped. These items are exclusive to your character and cannot be dropped or traded.

Some classes have ammo and special skills that they can use. These are automatically refilled in specific intervals depending on the levels of your equipment. There is a cap to how many of each you can hold, so make sure to use em if you got em!

Item Crafting

  • Picking up crafting materials allows you to upgrade your weapon and gear.
    • Use the right mouse button on components in the inventory screen to start crafting.
  • Class Weapons, Necklaces, and Rings can be upgraded to Lv.4 using class-specific gems found throughout the world.
    • Loot crystals can be dropped for your teammates, so grab everything you see!
  • To raise your equipment to Lv.5, you will need to find a Zircon.
    • The Zircon is a crystal that spawns very rarely across the map.
    • Care Packages will always contain a Zircon.

Fantasy BR Exclusive Missions and Store[]

  • There are new Fantasy Battle Royale Missions to complete, which earn you costume set pieces or a special event currency called Gold.
  • A total of 8 costume sets can be earned or purchased during this event, 2 costume sets per class.
    • The first set of skins is earned by completing missions and spending your Gold in the Fantasy Battle Royale store.
      • Alternatively, these sets may be purchased in the normal in-game store for $9.99/set if you who do not wish to earn them.
    • The second set of skins can be purchased in the normal in-game store using BP.
    • All unlocked Fantasy Battle Royale skins are permanent and can be used in normal PUBG games!

Gold Shop[]

Gold can be obtained by completing character class missions then you can exchange your Gold for exclusive Fantasy Battle Royale rewards.

Name Image Category Gold Needed
M'Lady Double Feather Hat Icon Hats Fantasy BR M Lady Double Feather Hat Hats for Ranger 50 Gold
Quickchug Handlebar Helmet Icon Hats Fantasy BR Quickchug Handlebar Helmet Hats for Barbarian 50 Gold
Awful Good Helmet Icon Hats Fantasy BR Awful Good Helmet Hats for Paladin 50 Gold
Schwizard's Hat (Green) Icon Hats Fantasy BR Schwizards Hat (Green) Hats for Wizard 50 Gold
Reinforced Boots with Old Man Socks Icon Feet Fantasy BR Reinforced Boots with Old Man Socks Shoes for Ranger 25 Gold
Antisocial Socks and Sandals Icon Feet Fantasy BR Antisocial Socks and Sandals Shoes for Barbarian 25 Gold
Schwizard's Moonglow Slippers Icon Feet Fantasy BR Schwizard s Moonglow Slippers Shoes for Wizard 25 Gold
Schwizard's Hypno-eyes Glasses Icon Glasses Fantasy BR Schwizard s Hypno-eyes Glasses Glasses for Wizard 25 Gold
1,000 BP BP Other 10 Gold





Video gallery[]

