Ghosted Crate
Icon box Ghosted crateBox
Cost to buy?
Key needed to open?
Not Tradable, Not Marketable

The Ghosted Crate is a limited edition weapon skin crate in BATTLEGROUNDS inspired by streamer 'Shroud.'


The Ghosted Crate is only purchasable from June 4th – July 5th if players paid $9.99 USD to get it. After July 5th, the crate was discontinued and you're unable to buy it.

“You found something hidden...”

The content of Skins/Crates/Ghosted Crate is discontinued. Article has been preserved by the Admin's to keep records of. If you'd like to suggest any edits, please contact them on the Discord server.

Upon opening the case, you would be guaranteed to receive both the Ghosted - Kar98K and the Ghosted - AKM.


  • Q: How do I get access to these skins?
A: Available through Twitch from the streamers channel or on Steam.
  • Q: Do these weapon skins change the statistics of your weapon?
A: No, it's not Pay 2 Win.
  • Q: Will these be marketable on the Steam community market?
A: No, not according to our current plans. We’ll update you if we change this plan.
  • Q: Can I purchase more than one set of each crate?
A: Nope. Each account is limited to one purchase of each of the crates (to be super clear: you can buy both, just not more than one of each). 

Crate items

Here are the list of items you can get in the Ghosted Crate.

Name Image Rarity
Ghosted - Kar98K Weapon skin Ghosted Kar98K Event
Ghosted - AKM Weapon skin Ghosted AKM Event

