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There are a variety of vehicles in BATTLEGROUNDS.


The vehicles in BATTLEGROUNDS are vitally important to map movement, largely because of how far apart players are often placed. Once the initial close groupings of players are dealt with, movement into the center of the map is important, as the outer limits will shrink. Additionally, unless a headshot or other body shot is directly targeted, the player won't take significant damage while moving in a vehicle, hugely increasing their longevity.

Common questions

Q: How do you gather these new vehicles before PUBG Corp even announces them?

A: Mostly thanks to Reddit, more specifically the /r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS subreddit. Dataminers look at the game files every time the game updates and see what new content, files or even code that's in-game.

Update history

Update #52 (Season 11 - Update 11.2)

Drive-by Shooting Balance Adjustment

Several patches ago, we implemented quality of life change to heavily improve stability and overall smoothness of aiming while in vehicles. As vehicles are a core part of our Battle Royale experience, we want to encourage vehicular combat, while also ensuring balance and allowing for proper counter-play.

Listening to all your feedback and digging through gameplay data, we have seen a greater rise in the effectiveness of drive-bys and overall vehicle to player gunplay than intended.

Our first step to address this is increasing weapon recoil in vehicles and we'll continue to closely monitor your feedback, so please, keep it coming!

  • In-vehicle recoil has been increased by 10%.
    • This change does not apply to sidearms.

Update #47 (Season 9 - Update 9.2) Driver Shooting

It's been requested for a long time and we're finally happy to add shooting functionality to vehicle drivers! The new system allows you to fire sidearm weapons while driving and maintaining control over the vehicle (albeit with slightly reduced response while reloading). This functionality works for most vehicles and there are a couple of limitations which you can read about below. We're excited to see the new kinds of gameplay that emerge from these additions, and please let us know how it feels!

  • Vehicle drivers can now draw, reload and fire sidearms while having full control over vehicle inputs.
  • The power of vehicle steering input decreases slightly when the driver is reloading.
  • Driver shooting feature is enabled in all vehicles except boats and BRDM.

Update #42 (Season 7 - Update 7.3)

  • Explosion Mechanic Changes
    • Vehicles no longer explode instantly upon reaching 0 HP. Instead, engines are now disabled and set on fire, causing the vehicle to explode after 5 seconds.
    • Vehicles can still explode instantly if taking large radial damage, like from Red Zones, C4 etc.
    • Exploding vehicles now receive both linear and angular velocity, instead of only linear (vehicle movement after exploding should look a bit less static now).
    • Additionally, vehicles will no longer receive increased collision damage when they’re rolled over.
  • Vehicle Damage Changes
    • Most vehicles now have multiple damage zones which apply different damage multipliers
      • Applies to the following vehicles: Buggy, Dacia, UAZ, Mirado, Pickup, Rony and Zima
        • All other vehicles receive damage as before, equally regardless of area hit
    • Damage zones:
      • Engine – 100% Damage
        • Engine area, usually located at the front
      • Body – 75% Damage
        • Front and rear doors, rear and bottom sides of body
      • Roof – 50% Damage
        • Roof panel, roof pillars, seats, mirrors

Update #34 (Season 5 - Update 5.1)

  • Performance
    • Physics engine of vehicles has been optimized to improve client and server performance.

Pre-release #32 (Season 4 - Update 4.2) - vN/A

  • Vehicle Engine Toggle
    • Vehicle engines can now be turned off/on by pressing 'Z'.
      • The engine can be turned off while driving, after gaining momentum and can be used for quiet, tactical maneuvers.
      • Once the engine is off, pressing 'W' to accelerate or 'Z' will start the engine again.
      • Vehicle engines will automatically be turned off if the vehicle stays at a standstill for 8 seconds, or 2 seconds after the driver disembarks.

Pre-release #28

  • Vehicles Effects Improvement
    • Added vehicle lighting effects.
      • Vehicle headlights, tail lights and dashboard are turned on when the vehicle’s engine starts.
      • The lights are only local visual effects and will not illuminate the surrounding areas.

Pre-release #27

  • Gameplay Balance
    • Vehicles now block players from receiving grenade damage with a similar mechanism used for other objects. Although, depending on grenade position and trajectory, damage can still be dealt to players hiding behind vehicles.

Vehicle categories

Drivable vehicles

Icon Vehicle Occupants Top Speed Type Health
Vehicle car buggy icon
Buggy 2 •• 100 Km/h Land ~ 1540
Uaz 469 icon
UAZ (Open Top) 5 ••••• 105 Km/h Land ~ 1820
Uaz 469 icon
UAZ (Closed Top) 5 ••••• 115 Km/h Land ~ 1820
Vehicle Snowmobile icon
Snowmobile‎‎ 2 •• N/A Land N/A
Vehicle bike sidecart icon
Motorcycle (w/ sidecar) 3 ••• 130 Km/h Land ~ 1025
Vehicle bike icon
Motorcycle 2 •• 152 Km/h Land ~ 1025
Vehicle car tuktuk
Tukshai 3 ••• N/A Land N/A
Vehicle scooter icon
Scooter 2 •• N/A Land ~ 1025
Vehicle car dacia icon
Dacia 1300 4 •••• 139 Km/h Land ~ 1820
Vehicle car mirado icon
Mirado 4 •••• 152 Km/h Land N/A
Vehicle minibus icon
Van 6 •••••• 110 Km/h Land ~1680
Vehicle pickup icon
Pickup 4 •••• -72 Km/h Land N/A
Vehicle Rony icon
Rony 4 •••• 110 Km/h Land N/A
Vehicle boat pg117 icon
PG-117 5 ••••• 90 Km/h Water ~ 1520
Vehicle jetski icon
Aquarail‎‎ 2 •• 90 Km/h Water N/A
Vehicle Motor Glider icon
Motor Glider‎‎ 2 •• N/A Air N/A


  • Attempting to exit a moving vehicle can result in player damage and even instant death as long as the vehicle is moving.
  • Tossing a Frag Grenade under a vehicle that has been flipped over can often flip it right side up (however this can also blow up the vehicle).
    • If a vehicle (works best with a UAZ) flips on its side on a flat surface, you can pop the tire that is in the air to flip it onto its wheels.
  • All drivable vehicles have poppable tires. If you exit your vehicle and don't want anyone else to drive it, it may be wise to shoot the tires of your vehicle.
  • Pay attention to your vehicle's health. If a vehicle sustains enough damage it can explode, resulting in serious player damage or death.
  • When shooting out of a vehicle as a passenger it is possible to kill/down other players that are in the same vehicle.
  • Be aware that other players, even enemy players, may enter a vehicle that you are driving.

Non-drivable vehicles

Icon Vehicle Occupants Type
Vehicle plane c130 icon
C-130 100 •••••••••• (x10) Air

Future vehicles

Video gallery

Related Achievements

Achievement Name Picture Description Platform


Jump out from an airplane 101 times.
Cruising with the Enemy

Achievement-Cruising with the Enemy

Get into a vehicle where an enemy player is already in.
Fast and Furious

Achievement-Fast and Furious

Kill 10 players by hitting them with a vehicle.
Fury Road

Achievement-Fury Road

Kill 10 players with a gun while in a vehicle.

See also

